Archive of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan together with the “Satbayev University” and "Yandex Qazaqstan" invites you to take part in the first hackathon "Archive Hack: Smart Archive".            

DateSeptember 24-25.

Venue: Almaty, Satpayev st. 22, Satbayev University.

Who can participate: - University and college students of IT and history (and related) specializations, as well as 10-12 grade schoolchildren from Almaty.

Purpose of the event: To involve university and school students in working with archival materials through the creation of innovative projects that will help improve the processes of digitalization, cataloging and visualization of archival data, as well as make history more accessible and interesting for young people.

The jury will select the three best projects in the following three sections:

              •    Young Archivists Initiative» – Best school project;

              •    «Designing Heritage» - Best brand book design;

              •    «Tech Solutions for Heritage» - Best Innovative Solution.

The prize fund of the Hackathon is 3,000,000 tenge as well as educational grants (for school students).



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